• Learn Swedish in 6 months

    Learn Swedish in 6 months

    Well, not really 6 months for me 'cause I arrived after the beginning =/ So I have 4 months to do it, knowing that on February the 17th, only Swedish will be allowed, so I have about a month before that. It's gonna be hard xD Especially since I also have the Quenya challenge and studies to do too x)

    Again, all of this come from a Facebook group, this time called Lingua Franca Challenge. Here, the timeline is clear. We'll take up another language in the middle of May or so I heard.

    Well, as the only sentence I know for now is Jag älskar dig, I love you in Swedish, I don't really have much knowledge to back me up.

    But anyway! I joined both groups (LFC = Lingua Franca Challenge and CLC = Conlang Learning Challenge), so I'll try to learn a bit of the target language of each. I won't be able to do much more (it's already too much xD) considering I'm already learning English and Japanese pretty actively and Espéranto and Spanish more passively and that I have a lot of other things to do (like studying for example xD). But anyway, it should be fun 8)

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