• How to say "tree" in Quenya

    Ornë is one of two Quenya words for treeOrnë comes from the root or- meaning rise up, be high. An ornë is a tree that is usually taller than wide, and typically smaller and slenderer than other trees when full-grown; it includes trees such as the birch (hwindë), the ash, and the rowan (farnë).

    How to say "tree" in Quenya

    The other Quenya word for tree is alda. Aldar are wide and outspreading, and usually more robust than orni. Examples of aldar include the oak (nordo) and the beech (feren).


    All the text and pictures in this post are from David Salo of the FB group "Conlang Learning Challenge", except what's written below this text

    oak : chêne
    beech : hêtre
    cedar : cèdre

    pine : pin
     pine : sánë

    birch : bouleau
    ash : frêne
    rowan : sorbier

    rainbow : helyanwë

    Yes, 'cause I'm still learning English too x)

    To summarize

    Singular  Plural  English  French
     alda  aldar tree (large) arbre
     ornë  orni tree (slender) arbre
     hwindë  hwindi birch bouleau
     nordo  nordor oak chêne
    feren   beech hêtre
    farnë   rowan sorbier
    sánë   pine pin
     helyanwë   rainbow arc-en-ciel

    I could find myself the plural forms I don't have already, but I don't want to do any mistake, as there's no one to check what I write ^^'

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  • The very basis

    For myself : on the picture is written Quenya in tengwar

    So, there's what I posted on the FB group, mainly for myself, but if I don't copy it here, it will soon be lost in the middle of the other posts, so...

    'cause I have to begin somewhere and 'cause I'm a complete beginner in Quenya...

    Alla! (Hello! in Quenya, but with kindness. Aiya also means Hello! but it's more for when you want to catch someone's attention, or so I heard).

    Namárië (Take care, used to say Goodbye)

    Not sure everything I say here is true, but it should be fine ^^'

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  • Learn Quenya : a 6 months challenge

    Not sure about how long the challenge will last, the survey isn't closed yet, but anyway, the "6 months" proposition is way ahead the others so... x)

    I already want to learn a lot of languages, but I also love getting into other projects while I'm already having a hard time finishing my first projects, so... x) I got into a Facebook group called "Conlang Learning Challenge". There, we used a poll to know which conlang (constructed language, a language created usually by one person or more) we were gonna learn, and Quenya won today. So we're gonna learn it in the group for at least 6 months I guess.

    To help myself about it ('cause informations will quickly be lost in the FB group, there's so many of them!) and to avoid using a notebook that I'll probably quickly drop x) I'll use this blog to put on useful links, informations and maybe try to turn into lessons the few things I'll be able to learn x)

    Why am I doing this on my English blog and not on one of the French ones? Simply 'cause the FB group at the origin of this is in English, and we can speak only English and Quenya in it now by the way x) So...

    I'm not a fan of Tolkien's books 'cause I still hadn't read them (but I'll surely do it some day), but well, it could be interesting... By the way, it'd be so cool to understand some Quenya the day I'll finally read the books! =D

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  • I want to post this article just to say one little thing : I hate it when I go on Facebook and it's always when I'm in the CDI of my school that I found the most beautiful pictures so, of course, I CAN'T RECORD IT ON MY COMPUTER AS I'M NOT ON MY COMPUTER! ><' So I have to find a way to make me remember to record them and to find them easily and quickly, so I post the adresses of the pictures on another blog x)

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  • No, I'm not gonna explain what it is, too long (and I'm lazy, yes, perfeclty, as if you didn't know! Just kidding). Just, I registered on a X-Men RPG, I posted my presentation and I'm still NOT validated! I CAN'T WAIT! I wanna play now!

    Sure, I just finished it two days ago, but it doesn't matter! I see the staff of the forum coming everyday, several of them, an nobody answered my presentation! I don't mind if there's things I have to change to play, just tell me! I'm so excited! That's because of this kind of thing that I loose my motivation and inspiration and then I leave a forum! Because of people answering too late as well.

    Okay, I said what I wanted, so I'll explain a little what's a forum RPG for those who don't know.

    It's pretty simple, it's a forum where you're doing Role Playing Games, on an imaginary context or from a movie or a book (or a serie, or a manga...), but you're not playing like in MMORPG, you're writing. In your presentation, you introduce your character to the other members, saying his name, his age, his gender, his character, what does he (or she) look like, his life... Then, you are validated by a member of the staff, administrator or moderator, and you can go in the RPG sections (each one represents a different place) and write a meet, fight or something else (quests and/or missions on some forums) with others members (or not).

    It's so cool, I love that! 'cause your character is evolving and some RP are really interesting to play and you're impatient to read the other member(s) answer(s)!

    Ok, I'm gonna stop here, it's time for me to go in class. See you!

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